Our Corporate Milestones
Since 1935, our entrepreneurial spirit, focus on long-term value creation and unwavering commitment to do what is right for our customers have made UOB a leading bank in Asia. Our timeline captures the corporate milestones of our 88-year storied history.
Amid the uncertainties of the Great Depression, a group of seven businessmen led by Datuk Wee Kheng Chiang (first row, centre) founded a bank to serve the merchant community in Singapore.

1935 (6 August)
United Chinese Bank (UCB) is incorporated

1935 (1 October)
UCB begins operations at Bonham Building

1950s – 1960s
Opens 1st UCB branch at Beach Road
1st bank to focus on women as customers
UCB is renamed United Overseas Bank

Opens 1st overseas branch in Hong Kong
1970s – 1980s
Acquires majority stake in Chung Khiaw Bank (CKB) in Singapore
Opens Tokyo branch
Reveals iconic five-bar logo
Opens Tokyo branch
Reveals iconic five-bar logo

Acquires Lee Wah Bank in Singapore
Dr Wee Cho Yaw succeeds Datuk Wee as Chairman and CEO
Begins operating from the new 30-storey building which stood on the same site as Bonham Building (the current UOB Plaza 2)
Begins operating from the new 30-storey building which stood on the same site as Bonham Building (the current UOB Plaza 2)

Opens London branch
Opens New York agency
Introduces Singapore’s 1st ATM offering 24-hour banking
Opens Los Angeles agency
Opens Los Angeles agency
Holds inaugural UOB Painting of the Year (POY) competition
Opens Seoul representative office
Opens Beijing representative office
Acquires majority interest in Far Eastern Bank in Singapore
Acquires majority interest in Far Eastern Bank in Singapore
Expands into Sydney and Xiamen
Expands into Vancouver
Acquires majority interest in Industrial & Commercial Bank in Singapore
1st Singapore bank to launch Visa cards
1st bank to launch Singapore’s only
credit card for women
1st bank to launch Singapore’s only
credit card for women
1990s – 2000s
1st Singapore bank to set up representative office in Vietnam
Opens Taipei representative office
Opens Taipei representative office
1st bank in Singapore to launch automated cash deposit machine
Expands into Yangon
Celebrates 60th anniversary and official opening of UOB Plaza 1

UOB Malaysia merges with CKB Malaysia
Opens Shanghai branch
Acquires Westmont Bank in the Philippines
Acquires Radanasin Bank in Thailand
Acquires Radanasin Bank in Thailand
Mr Wee Ee Cheong is appointed Deputy Chairman
Acquires Overseas Union Bank in Singapore
Acquires 96.1% in Bank of Asia Public Company in Thailand
Increases controlling stake of PT Bank Buana in Indonesia to 61.1%
Mr Wee Ee Cheong succeeds Dr Wee Cho Yaw as CEO
Launches 1st UOB Heartbeat Run/Walk
Launches 1st UOB Heartbeat Run/Walk
Opens Mumbai branch
2010s – 2020s
Merges PT Bank UOB Indonesia with PT Bank UOB Buana
1st bank in Singapore to establish a Foreign Direct Investment Advisory Unit to support our clients’ regional expansion

Dr Wee Cho Yaw becomes Chairman Emeritus and Adviser
Named Most Admired ASEAN Enterprise for ASEAN Centricity by ASEAN Business Advisory Council
Celebrates 80th anniversary, introduces refreshed logo and a corporate seal

Opens Yangon branch
Completes full acquisition of Far Eastern Bank
Introduces Mighty, the first banking app which enables customers to make contactless payments
Completes full acquisition of Far Eastern Bank
Introduces Mighty, the first banking app which enables customers to make contactless payments
1st in the world to launch instant digital card issuance
1st in Southeast Asia to enable smartphones for contactless transactions at UOB ATMs
1st in Southeast Asia to enable smartphones for contactless transactions at UOB ATMs
Launches UOB Art in Ink Awards in Hong Kong
1st Singapore bank to establish a subsidiary in Vietnam
Officially opens new China head office building in Shanghai’s Lujiazui Financial District
Officially opens new China head office building in Shanghai’s Lujiazui Financial District

Sets up Singapore’s largest car ecosystem and unites Singapore’s largest property ecosystem under one roof
Dr Wee Cho Yaw retires from the Board
Dr Wee Cho Yaw retires from the Board
Launches TMRW, ASEAN’s first mobile-only digital bank, in Thailand
Expands into Hanoi, northern Vietnam
Launches U-Solar, Asia’s first solar ecosystem to power the region’s development and adoption of renewable energy
Expands into Hanoi, northern Vietnam
Launches U-Solar, Asia’s first solar ecosystem to power the region’s development and adoption of renewable energy
Supports more than 1.4 million individuals and businesses, and contributes more than $2.7 million for the community under the #UnitedForYou COVID-19 Relief Programme
Donates more than one million pieces of personal protective equipment to healthcare workers and vulnerable communities around the world
Extends TMRW to Indonesia
Launches UOB Infinity, a new digital banking experience for businesses
Donates more than one million pieces of personal protective equipment to healthcare workers and vulnerable communities around the world
Extends TMRW to Indonesia
Launches UOB Infinity, a new digital banking experience for businesses
Launches UOB TMRW, a unified digital banking platform, and UOB Rewards+, Singapore’s largest cards rewards programme
Rolls out U-Energy, the first integrated financing platform for energy-efficient projects in Asia, across four markets
Celebrates 40th milestone of UOB POY competition
Rolls out U-Energy, the first integrated financing platform for energy-efficient projects in Asia, across four markets
Celebrates 40th milestone of UOB POY competition
Acquires Citigroup’s consumer banking business in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam

Launches sharpened Purpose, a new Seal Mark, Vitalita sculpture and refreshes the UOB brand and apparel

Opens new head office buildings in Malaysia and Thailand

UOB Plaza 1 Kuala Lumpur

UOB Plaza
Launches UOB SME app, an industry-first all-in-one digital banking platform, to meet the banking needs of small-and-medium-sized enterprises
Commences Operational Day One for the acquisition of Citigroup's consumer banking business in UOB Malaysia and Indonesia

Rolls out The UOB Way across markets
Launches UOB POY in Vietnam and UOB Art in Ink Awards in China
Launches the first UOB Sustainability Impact Awards in Singapore
Launches UOB POY in Vietnam and UOB Art in Ink Awards in China
Launches the first UOB Sustainability Impact Awards in Singapore

Opens 10th Foreign Direct Advisory Centre in Japan