Number of customers¹ – (millions)
Number of branches – Singapore only
Number of ATMs – Singapore only
Number of contactless ATMs – Singapore only
Number of Ability ATMs2 – Singapore only
Online penetration rate for retail customers (%)
Online penetration rate for retail customers – Singapore only (%)
Mobile banking users as a percentage of active online banking users (retail customers) (%)
Online penetration rate for corporate/SME clients (%)
Number of contactless point-of-sale merchant terminals – Singapore only
Customer compliments – Singapore only
Complaints relating to sale of investment and insurance products – Singapore only (%)
Loans to small businesses
Loans to medium businesses
Loans to large businesses
Permanent – Singapore only
Female senior management (%)
Female middle management (%)
Female department heads (%)
Female supervisors or managers (%)
Average training hours per headcount
Training expenditure per headcount ($)
Employee attrition rate (%)
Monetary contributions ($ million)
Electricity consumption (GWh)
Average energy intensity excluding data centres (kWh per m2 of floor space)
Average energy intensity including data centres (kWh per m2 of floor space)
Scope 2 GHG emissions7,8 (thousand tCO2e)
Scope 2 GHG emissions excluding data centres (kg CO2e per m2 of floor space)
Scope 2 GHG emissions including data centres (kg CO2e per m2 of floor space)
Scope 3 Air Travel Emissions9 (thousand tCO2e)
Water consumption (thousand m3)
Water consumption intensity (m3 of water per m2 of floor space)
Office paper purchased (tonnes)
Waste landfilled (tonnes)
Waste-to-energy incineration (tonnes)
Waste disposal intensity10 (kg of disposed waste per m2 of floor space)
Dividends to shareholders
Employee compensation and benefits
Income tax to governments
Total purchase ($ million)
Purchase from local suppliers (%)