Annual Report 2017
Sustainability Approach
As a leading financial institution in Asia, UOB is focused on creating sustainable value for our stakeholders and aligning our long-term business strategies with their interests. As we continue to deepen our presence across the region, we seek to address the environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks and effects of our operations in a manner consistent with our values. This is also in line with our commitment to help ensure a safe, secure and trusted banking system.
Board Statement on Sustainability
The Board is committed to building on the Bank’s rich heritage to continue creating long-term value for all its stakeholders. Integral to the business direction UOB takes is its sustainability strategy. In formulating this strategy, the Board considered the factors which contribute to the sustainable growth of the Bank. As part of the process, the Bank undertook detailed gathering and assessment of data and insights from across the organisation and from its external stakeholders.
Together with Management, the Board identified opportunities relevant to the long-term success of the Bank and determined the material ESG risks to be managed. Through its Committees, the Board oversees the management and monitoring of these factors to ensure that the Bank is responding effectively to developments in the market and in view of its stakeholders’ expectations. The Board and Management are supported in this regard by the Bank’s dedicated ESG Committee comprising senior executives from functions across the organisation.
The framework of UOB’s sustainability reporting is in line with the SGX Sustainability Reporting Guide and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards. We are pleased to state that UOB’s Annual Report 2016 won the Best Inaugural Sustainability Report (Mainboard) Award at the first Singapore Sustainability Reporting Awards.
The Bank’s values of Honour, Enterprise, Unity and Commitment underpin UOB’s sustainability strategy. These will continue to guide its people, policies and processes to ensure the long-term interests of its stakeholders are met and the performance of UOB sustained.
Sustainability Strategy
When making business decisions and developing our products and services, we consider our stakeholders’ expectations in appreciation of what is material to them. As part of our commitment to sustainable and responsible growth, we also seek to identify, to assess and to manage ESG risks, challenges, impact and opportunities.
We stepped up our non-financial reporting to include sustainability reporting in our Annual Report 2016 to give our stakeholders insight into the Bank’s approach to sustainability and we continued to build on our efforts in 2017.
During the year, we refined our sustainability strategy after extensive discussions and workshops with teams from across the Bank which were facilitated by an external consultant. Our deliberations considered macro sustainability trends, including responsible banking, the Singapore Exchange’s (SGX) reporting requirements, the United Nations’ (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Paris Climate Agreement and the recommendations by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures.

Our Group Chief Financial Officer Mr Lee Wai Fai (centre) receiving from Mr Chan Chun Sing, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, the Best Inaugural Sustainability Report (Mainboard) Award at The Singapore Sustainability Reporting Awards 2017 organised by the Singapore Institute of Directors. We received the award in recognition of the quality of our sustainability disclosure in our Annual Report 2016.
Our sustainability strategy mirrors our business approach of balancing growth with stability. It takes into account the influence and impact our decisions and actions might have on the industry, society and the environment. It was also formulated to ensure we remain economically relevant through managing ESG risks and opportunities practically and in line with market realities. To help our programmes and initiatives take root and gain ground, we have ensured alignment with the ESG regulatory policies and guidelines in each of our key markets. Just as our business strategy hinges on doing what is right for our customers, our sustainability strategy informs our engagement with our stakeholders and how we can help them in their own practices for positive outcomes in the long run.
The pillars of our sustainability strategy arise from our fundamental strengths and are rooted in our values. They reflect the Bank’s expertise, the responsibilities we hold and the role we can play for the long-term benefit of our key stakeholders. Each of the pillars determines a set of objectives which we strive to achieve to ensure that we implement our strategy with clear plans and purpose.
In sustaining growth responsibly, we incorporate sustainability risk elements in our approach to risk management. This includes integrating ESG considerations into our credit evaluation and approval processes. Beyond financing, we are increasing impact investing in our portfolio allocation. For our customers, we help develop and provide sustainable solutions that will assist them in making a difference. We also align our sustainable development efforts with the UN’s SDGs.
With customers as our focal point, we ensure that Fair Dealing principles are entrenched in all aspects of our relationship with them. Keeping their best interests in mind, we harness technology and use data to make banking simpler, smarter, safer and more intuitive for them. By doing so, we aim to make banking more accessible and inclusive in the communities in which we operate. Standing by our customers also means that we must protect their data and privacy, and maintain the security and robustness of our systems.
Our colleagues enable us to ensure the best outcome for our customers, our business and our community. Hence we are focused on developing professionals of principle – high-performing teams and individuals who are guided by our values. We embrace diverse abilities and strengths as these enhance our capabilities and enrich our competitiveness. We equip our colleagues to take on the challenges of tomorrow even as we care for their welfare and work-life harmony today. We also foster a sense of belonging by encouraging employee volunteerism and increasing their engagement and satisfaction.
We believe that as a responsible financial services provider, we have a role to play in strengthening the fabric of society by supporting the spirit of enterprise across all stages of business growth and protecting the financial system for its full benefits to be felt. We remain steadfast in our commitment to promote the development of art, children and education, and to help protect the environment – all aimed at contributing to a strong and sustainable future for the wider community.
The UN’s 17 SDGs set the global agenda for sustainable economic, social and environmental development by 2030 and call for action by the public and private sectors. At UOB, our sustainability objectives are aligned with 11 of the SDGs as follows:
Sustain Growth Responsibly
Incorporate sustainability risk elements in our approach to risk management

Integrate social and environmental considerations into our credit evaluation and approval processes

Increase impact investing in our portfolio allocation

Develop and provide sustainable solutions that enable our customers to make a difference

Align our focus with Sustainable Development Goals

Keep Customers at the Centre
Ensure Fair Dealing

Harness technology to make banking simpler, smarter and safer

Use data effectively to design intuitive customer experiences

Make banking more accessible and inclusive

Secure our systems and protect customer data and privacy

Develop Professionals of Principle
Build high-performing teams and develop individuals who are guided by our values

Embrace diverse abilities and strengths

Develop skillsets and mindsets for the future

Ensure workplace health and safety

Promote work-life harmony

Encourage employee volunteerism

Increase employee engagement and satisfaction

Strengthen Community Bonds
Protect the financial system against those who try to abuse it

Support businesses across all stages of growth

Support social development in the areas of art, children and education

Encourage sustainable procurement and supply chain

Manage the impact of our environmental footprint

Partner colleagues, customers and vendors to promote SDGs

Material ESG Factors
As we focus on creating sustainable value for our stakeholders, we assess the ESG matters relevant to the banking industry, the implications for the Bank and the insights provided by our internal and external stakeholders.
Our priorities include building an ecosystem where enterprise and innovation can thrive, enabling simpler and safer banking for all through the use of technology, supporting corporate clients in managing their businesses locally and as they expand across borders, and helping retail customers plan, save, spend and invest wisely.
We believe that security is paramount given the rapid development of technologies and disruptive business models, and the changing regulatory landscape. There is also growing sophistication of financial crime and cyber threats. In safeguarding the interests of our stakeholders, we maintain the robustness of our systems and processes and uphold our role in ensuring a safe, secure and trusted banking system.
Our investments are also directed to nurturing our colleagues, embracing diversity and inclusiveness, promoting trade and industry, focusing on responsible financing, encouraging entrepreneurship and making our financial services accessible to all sections of society. We support the development of the communities in which we operate and play our part in managing our environmental impact.
Keeping in mind the significance of the economic, environmental and social impact of our operations and the influence such impact may have on our stakeholders, in 2017 we considered their feedback and reviewed the 14 material ESG factors first reported in our Annual Report 2016. The following factors were deemed the most significant:
Risk-focused organisational culture;
Responsible lending;
Regulatory compliance;
Economic value of our contributions;
Customer experience; and
Cybersecurity, fraud prevention and anti-money laundering.
In line with our own expectations of strong corporate governance and high ethical standards, we included ‘Anti-corruption’ as a material ESG factor in 2017.
The 15 factors are aligned with our sustainability pillars. A summary of our material ESG factors and their corresponding GRI Standards topics and boundaries are presented in the following table.
Material ESG Factor
Our Value Creation
Our Goal
GRI Standards Topic
Where the Impact Occurs
Our Involvement with Impact
Sustain Growth Responsibly
Risk-focused Organisational Culture

Maintaining high standards of corporate governance and a robust risk management framework to protect the interests of our stakeholders
Remaining nimble to seize business opportunities amid a fast-changing environment
To achieve stable and sustainable growth through informed risk-based decisions
Socio-economic compliance
Responsible Lending

Addressing environmental, social and governance issues when making lending decisions
To be a responsible financial services provider
Product portfolio
(G4 Financial Services Sector Disclosure) -
Economic performance
Business units
Regulatory Compliance

Maintaining sound risk management systems
Complying with applicable laws, rules, regulations and standards
To maintain the highest standards of professional and ethical behaviour
Socio-economic compliance
Economic Value of Our Contributions

Delivering consistent returns for our investors
Contributing to local economies through taxes, job creation, facilitating trade and industries and building the financial resilience of our stakeholders
To create direct and indirect economic value for our stakeholders
Economic performance
Indirect economic performance
Keep Customers at the Centre
Customer Experience

Treating customers fairly based on the principles of integrity, trust and respect
Creating responsible solutions across our businesses to meet our customers’ needs
To keep the customers’ interests at the heart of all that we do
Marketing and labelling
Customer privacy
Local communities
Cybersecurity, Fraud Prevention and Anti-money Laundering

Protecting our customers from cyber threats through robust risk management systems and processes
Assisting regulators in preventing cyber crime, money laundering, funding of terrorism and dealing with sanctioned persons
To uphold our role in maintaining a secure and trusted banking environment
Customer privacy
Socio-economic compliance
Digital Transformation

Making banking simpler, smarter and safer for our customers through innovation and technology
To ensure that technology enhances our people and service capabilities as we deepen our culture of innovation and enterprise
Customer privacy
Develop Professionals of Principle
Attracting, Developing and Retaining Talent

Treating our colleagues with care and respect
Investing in training and career development for our colleagues
To develop valuable and meaningful careers for our colleagues
Training and education
Diversity and Inclusion

Hiring from diverse cultural backgrounds, age groups, gender and abilities
To champion a more inclusive society
Diversity and equal opportunity
Workplace Safety, Health and Well-being

Providing our colleagues with a conducive work environment
To ensure the physical, mental and social welfare of our colleagues
Occupational health and safety
Strengthen Community Bonds
Social Impact

Supporting social development in the areas of art, children and education
Encouraging innovation and enterprise, and nurturing start-ups and small- and medium-sized enterprises
To strengthen our social fabric through community-building and helping individuals and organisations realise their potential
Local communities
Indirect economic performance
Access to Financial Services

Making banking services and products accessible to target segments of society to meet their needs and expectations
To ensure that banking services and products are available through our comprehensive and diverse network of touchpoints
Local communities
Business Units

Adopting zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption, and ensuring transparency and accountability
To help build a more transparent and accountable global economy
Environmental Footprint

Managing our resources wisely by saving energy, reducing carbon emissions and resource consumption, and minimising waste
To play our part in reducing climate change
Effluent and waste
Sustainable Procurement

Adopting sustainable procurement practices
To purchase from local suppliers where feasible
Procurement practices
Sustainability Governance Structure
Board of Directors
Strategy Committee
Management Executive Committee
Risk and Capital Committee*
ESG Strategy Group*
In 2017, the Bank reviewed and updated our sustainability governance structure to include the Senior Management-level Risk and Capital Committee and the reconstituted ESG Strategy Group to ensure that sustainability factors were considered in all aspects of our operations. The ESG Strategy Group, comprising representatives from various business and support functions, reviewed material ESG factors, collated and assessed data, goals and targets and identified sustainability risks and opportunities with the guidance of the Risk and Capital Committee.
The Management Executive Committee (MEC), which comprises the Group Chief Executive Officer, Group Chief Financial Officer, Group Chief Risk Officer, Head of Group Technology and Operations, Head of Group Retail, Head of Group Wholesale Banking and the Head of Global Markets, reviews and determines the material ESG factors and their scope. The MEC evaluates key performance indicators, reviews long-term business and organisational goals and provides the strategic direction for the Bank’s sustainability practices.
Chaired by an independent director, the Strategy Committee has been delegated by the Board of Directors with general oversight of the Board’s attention to the sustainability agenda.
An ESG Committee was set up in early 2018 to replace the ESG Strategy Group. The ESG Committee reports directly to the Management Executive Committee on the Bank’s sustainability matters.
Sustainability Reporting Frameworks and Principles
Our sustainability reporting is in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option and selected indicators from the GRI G4 Financial Services Sector Disclosures paper. It also complies with the SGX-Securities Trading Listing Rules (711A and 711B) and the SGX Sustainability Reporting Guide. The GRI Content Index, which indicates the location of the relevant disclosures, is on pages 267 to 271 of this report.
In defining our reporting content, we have applied the GRI Standards (GRI 101: Foundation 2016). We have also determined the reporting content on the basis of materiality assessment and stakeholders’ interests, expectations and concerns. In that regard, we have considered the broader sustainability context in which we operate our business and we have reported our relevant performance for the past three years for the identified material ESG factors unless noted otherwise.
To ensure reporting quality, we have observed the principles of accuracy, balance, clarity, comparability, reliability and timeliness to help our stakeholders assess our overall ESG performance.
The ESG data and information provided have not been verified by an independent third party. We have relied on internal data monitoring and verification to ensure accuracy, while our external sustainability consultant reviewed the data and information, verified samples of data and conducted interviews to ascertain accuracy.