Annual Report 2017
At UOB, we maintain regular dialogue and engagement with the investment community to provide relevant information on the Group’s corporate strategy, operational performance and business outlook and to help them to make well-informed investment decisions. We also seek their feedback so as to provide Management with regular updates of market perceptions. With the long-term interests of our stakeholders at heart, UOB aims to build a sustainable business with stable returns.
2017 Highlights
Continued Efforts to Diversify Our Investor Base and to Expand Our Sources of Funding
Proactive engagement with the investment community provides us with useful feedback, which helps us in the successful formulation and execution of our funding strategy. In February 2017, in consideration of European and Asian investors’ demand and preference for US dollar papers from high quality issuers, we launched our debut EUR/USD benchmark dual-tranche covered bonds – the first Asian issuer to do so. In October, we also issued our maiden
USD Reg S Basel III-compliant perpetual Additional Tier 1 capital securities.
USD Reg S Basel III-compliant perpetual Additional Tier 1 capital securities.
Our issuances in 2017, underpinned by the stability of an AA-rated institution from an AAA-rated jurisdiction, attracted strong interest from investors, demonstrated by the tight pricing and healthy levels of oversubscription. They also enabled us to achieve our objective of widening our investor base in terms of currency and geographical distribution.
Our various bond deals during the year have won us numerous accolades, including Best Covered Bond and Best Bank Capital Bond conferred by The Asset Triple A Country Awards 2017.

The panel of UOB’s Corporate Day presenters sharing their views on banking regulations.
Corporate Day 2017 – Unravelling Banking Regulations
We organised our seventh annual Corporate Day for the investment community in August 2017. The theme of the session was “Unravelling Banking Regulations”, which aimed to provide insights into the major banking regulations coming into effect over the next two years. The event was attended by more than 100 attendees, comprising analysts, investors and our corporate clients from across the region, reflecting the strong interest in this topic.
At the event, Mr Frankie Phua, Head of Group Risk Management, Ms Heng Li Koon, Head of Balance Sheet Risk Management, and Mr Eric Lim, Head of Group Finance, each delved into the objectives and development of Basel capital and liquidity rules, and the International Financial Reporting Standards 9 on Financial Instruments. The speakers also elaborated on the implications of the regulations for banks in Asia.
We received good feedback from the participants who expressed their appreciation for UOB’s regular efforts in engaging the investment community and business partners in pertinent areas of interest.
“Very informative session which provided a good overview on how Basel has evolved over the different stages. It is helpful to me in my work. I really appreciate UOB’s effort to provide the platform for sharing the views.”
Ms Jin Jing, Deputy General Manager,
Bank Of Communications Singapore Branch
“Gaining an understanding of the regulatory environment and an historical context on the various regulatory developments over the years was very helpful indeed. The topics chosen and the quality of each presentation were outstanding. I am very pleased I made the effort to come up from Australia to join your event.”
Mr Marcus Bogdan, Chief Investment Officer,
Blackmore Capital
Recognition of Our Investor Engagement Efforts
The UOB Annual Report 2016, which demonstrated our continued commitment to improve our disclosure quality and scope, won the Best Inaugural Sustainability Report (Mainboard) Award at the first Singapore Sustainability Reporting Awards. The awards programme was organised by the Singapore Institute of Directors to encourage and to recognise excellence in sustainability reporting among Singapore-listed companies.
Our focus on investor engagement also received recognition at FinanceAsia’s annual “Asia’s Best Managed Companies” poll in 2017 where we were ranked second in the “Best at Investor Relations” category for Singapore-listed companies.
Delivering Long-term and Sustainable Returns
Delivering sustainable returns for long-term value creation continues to be a key objective when formulating and executing our business strategies. Excluding our last major equity capital raising exercise during the takeover of Overseas Union Bank in 2001, internally generated capital has been our main source of capital for our expansion plans. In 2017, we did not buy back any shares (which are normally held in treasury) although we used 2.4 million treasury shares¹ to meet our obligations under our employee long-term incentive plans.
Our disciplined growth strategy and prudent balance sheet management have enabled us to pay dividends consistently to our shareholders since our public listing in 1970 and through all business cycles. Dividends are usually payable on a half-yearly basis. With the moderate pick-up in economic growth and business sentiment in 2017, we achieved a nine per cent year-on-year growth in net profit to reach a new record level of $3.39 billion. To reward our shareholders for their support, we have increased our total core dividend by 10 cents to $0.80 per share for the year. Coupled with a special dividend of 20 cents, our full-year dividend was a total of $1.00, amounting to a payout ratio of 49 per cent. We applied the scrip dividend scheme to both interim and final dividends, giving our shareholders the option to receive the dividends in cash and/or new UOB shares.
Over the years, with our steady financial performance, we achieved a total annualised shareholder return of 8.9 per cent from 2013 to 2017, compared with Singapore’s stock market average of 4.4 per cent².
UOB’s Dividend Per Share (Cents) and Payout Ratio (%) for 2013 – 2017
Selected Investment Metrics on UOB
Share price ($)
Market capitalisation ($ billion)ᵃ
Price-to-earnings ratio (x)ᵇ
Price-to-book ratio (x)ᵇ
Net dividend yield (%)ᵇ
Return on average ordinary shareholders’ equity (%)
Total annualised shareholder return from 2013 to 2017 (%)
The year-end closing share prices are used in computing the market capitalisation.
The daily-average share prices are used in computing these three ratios.
Maintaining Strong Credit Ratings, Underpinning Access to Wholesale Funding Market
UOB’s credit ratings constitute an important component of our risk and capital management strategies. To help rating agencies better assess our Bank’s credit standing, we maintain regular dialogue with them to provide updates on the Bank’s financial performance and balance sheet strength. We remain one of the few highly-rated banks globally, with strong investment-grade credit ratings of ‘Aa1’ by Moody’s Investors Services and ‘AA-’ by both S&P Global Ratings and Fitch Ratings.
“UOB’s banking credit assessment (BCA) of a1 is based on the Bank’s very robust intrinsic credit metrics in both global and regional contexts, underpinned by its traditional and well-established banking presence in Singapore, Malaysia and other markets, and strong credit fundamentals. The Bank’s capital position is good by global standards, with a large capacity to absorb unforeseen losses. UOB also has a deposit-funded and liquid balance sheet.”
Moody’s report dated 18 December 2017
“Our ratings on UOB reflect the Bank’s well-established market position, particularly in the SME segments, strong funding profile, and prudent management track record.”
S&P’s report dated 30 May 2017
Regular and Transparent Communications with Investors
Our engagement with the investment community, including our shareholders, investors, shareholder proxy voting agencies, equity and fixed-income analysts and credit rating agencies, is governed by our investor relations policy. We are committed to maintaining regular and transparent communications with them and we also ensure that disclosure of information is conducted on a clear, fair and timely basis.
UOB is covered by the research teams from more than 20 brokerage firms globally. Through constant dialogue with our investment community, our Management keeps investors abreast of UOB’s financials, milestones and other material developments.
We regularly review our content disclosure to provide investors with the information needed to address their areas of concern. In 2017, investors’ concerns continued to revolve around asset quality, pertaining mainly to our commodities exposure and key growth drivers, particularly our digital innovation developments. We improved our disclosure on the asset quality of our portfolios, our achievements in the digital arena and the direction of our future investments and expenditure.
In 2017, we conducted more than 450 meetings with analysts and investors and shared with them UOB’s corporate strategy, operational performance and business outlook through the following events:
Quarterly results briefings, fronted by Management, with conference call facilities arranged for overseas analysts and investors. Analysts and investors in Singapore were also invited to post-results luncheons every quarter;
Investor meetings, conferences and roadshows held in Australia, China, Europe, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and the US with equity, fixed income and ESG-focused (environmental, social and governance) investors;
UOB’s Corporate Day in Singapore;
Meetings with credit rating agencies; and
Annual general meeting (AGM)³.
General information on UOB, such as annual reports, quarterly results, recorded webcasts of results briefings, news releases and presentation slides, including the CEO’s AGM presentation slides, as well as our investor relations calendar of events, are available on our corporate website All financial results, material news releases, dividends recommended or declared for payment, and other ad-hoc announcements are also available on the SGX website.
The UOB website also contains contact details of our Investor Relations Officer, so that investors may contact the team directly to clarify any queries or to provide feedback.
Our Diversified Shareholder Base
UOB’s Shareholders as at 31 December 2017 (%)
Our shareholder base is well-diversified, spanning institutions, strategic shareholders, retail investors and other corporate and non-profit organisations. Institutional investors constitute the largest shareholder group, holding more than half of UOB’s shares, followed by strategic shareholders, among whom are members of the Wee family, including UOB’s Chairman Emeritus, Dr Wee Cho Yaw, and Deputy Chairman and CEO, Mr Wee Ee Cheong.
Aimed at creating long-term value across the UOB franchise, our steadfast focus on balancing quality growth with stability is aligned with the long-term interests of our shareholders and investors seeking stable returns from a sustainable investment.
Investor Relations Contact Information
If you have any enquiries or would like to find out more about UOB, please contact:
Mr Stephen Lin
Investor Relations
80 Raffles Place
#05-00 UOB Plaza 2
Singapore 048624
Tel: (65) 6539 2523
Fax: (65) 6538 0270
80 Raffles Place
#05-00 UOB Plaza 2
Singapore 048624
Tel: (65) 6539 2523
Fax: (65) 6538 0270
Share Registrar
Boardroom Corporate & Advisory Services Pte. Ltd.
Boardroom Corporate & Advisory Services Pte. Ltd.
50 Raffles Place
#32-01 Singapore Land Tower
Singapore 048623
Tel: (65) 6536 5355
Fax: (65) 6438 8710
#32-01 Singapore Land Tower
Singapore 048623
Tel: (65) 6536 5355
Fax: (65) 6438 8710
Treasury shares are ordinary shares repurchased by the Bank and are shown as a deduction against share capital. These may be sold, cancelled, distributed as bonus shares, or used to meet the obligations under employee long-term incentive plans.
Sources: UOB, Bloomberg
For more information on AGM, please refer to the Corporate Governance Section.