UOB Asset Management launches first sustainable bond fund focused on impact investing and stable income for retail investors

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    27 March 2020

    UOB Asset Management Ltd (UOBAM) today launched the United Sustainable Credit Income Fund (USCIF), the first bond fund in Singapore for retail investors which focuses on bonds from companies that are making progress against the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1. The UN SDGs set the global agenda for sustainable economic, social and environmental development to be achieved by 2030.


    Through the USCIF, retail investors will invest into the RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income Fund (the Underlying Fund). Managed by international asset manager Robeco, a global leader in sustainable investing2, the Underlying Fund was previously available only to institutional investors and high-net-worth individuals. The multi-sector USCIF offers stable income through monthly dividend distributions*.


    Mr Thio Boon Kiat, Group CEO of UOBAM, said, “At UOBAM, we believe in investing for purpose and providing positive returns. With more Singapore investors including environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations in their investment decisions, we are excited to partner Robeco, a global leader in sustainable investing, to offer investors the opportunity to do good while also enjoying stable income amid current market volatility. As more investors around the region look for impact investment options, UOBAM will continue to sharpen our ESG capabilities and to provide more investment solutions that balance investment returns with ESG outcomes.”


    Using a proprietary framework developed by Robeco and RobecoSAM, the Underlying Fund assesses investible companies’ contributions towards UN SDGs by evaluating the sustainability impact of their products, operational processes and business practices. The assessment also helps to identify companies that are able to remain competitive and relevant in the transition to a more sustainable economy, thereby limiting investments in companies with a higher risk of default in the future. As the Underlying Fund is not assessed against a benchmark, it has the flexibility to select bonds, including green bonds, which are attractive in terms of both yield and their SDG-related efforts. In doing so, the Underlying Fund aims to maintain a high and consistent level of income.


    Mr Tom Keenan, CEO of Robeco Singapore and Regional Head of Wholesale Asia ex-Japan at Robeco, said, “We are excited to partner UOBAM to introduce the RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income Fund to retail investors in Singapore. To Robeco, it is vital to consider the social and ecological effects of our investments, in addition to the traditional financial perspective. We are one of the first to develop a proprietary investing framework based on the UN SDGs. Applying this framework as a filter to our investment universe better enables us to screen out old-school business models that are becoming increasingly risky, and to identify those business models that are more future proof.”


    UOBAM is one of the first regional asset management firms in Singapore to become a signatory of the UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment3. It is also a signatory to the Singapore Stewardship Principles for Responsible Investors. Since 2017, UOBAM has been progressively incorporating ESG factors in its investment research and securities evaluation and approval processes and is expected to complete the implementation for all asset classes in 2020.


    The USCIF is UOBAM’s first fund in its offering of sustainable solutions. The initial minimum subscription sum is S$1,000 or US$1,000. For more information, please visit https://www.uobam.com.sg/ourfunds/highlights/united-sustainable-credit-income-fund/index.page.

    1 For more information, please refer to: https://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/sustainable-developmentgoals.html
    2 Robeco has been engaged in sustainable investing since 1990. As at end-December 2019, it managed €149 billion worth of ESG-integrated assets. For more information, please refer to: https://www.robeco.com/sg/about-us/
    3 For more information, please refer to UOB News Release: UOB investment arms sign up to the United Nations supported Principles for Responsible Investment, 5 January 2020



    About UOB
    UOB is a leading bank in Asia. Operating through its head office in Singapore and banking subsidiaries in China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam, UOB has a global network of around 500 offices in 19 countries and territories in Asia Pacific, Europe and North America. Since its incorporation in 1935, UOB has grown organically and through a series of strategic acquisitions. Today, UOB is rated among the world’s top banks: Aa1 by Moody’s Investors Service and AA- by both S&P Global Ratings and Fitch Ratings.


    For nearly nine decades, UOB has adopted a customer-centric approach to create long-term value by staying relevant through its enterprising spirit and doing right by its customers. UOB is focused on building the future of ASEAN – for the people and businesses within, and connecting with, ASEAN.


    The Bank connects businesses to opportunities in the region with its unparalleled regional footprint and leverages data and insights to innovate and create personalised banking experiences and solutions catering to each customer’s unique needs and evolving preferences. UOB is also committed to forging a sustainable future through working with its stakeholders to create positive environmental impact, fostering social inclusiveness and pursuing economic progress. UOB believes in being a responsible financial services provider and is steadfast in its support of art, social development of children and education, doing right by its communities and stakeholders.


    For media queries, please contact media@uobgroup.com 

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