
"As we celebrate and reflect on the past 90 years, we know we could only achieve what we have because of the loyal and continuous support of all stakeholders, including the community.

We believe strongly in supporting education as this is an investment in our collective future across the ASEAN region."

Wee Ee Cheong
Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Wee Ee Cheong

What Drives Us

What Drives Us

Anchored by our values of honour, enterprise, unity and commitment for the last 90 years, we are steadfast in our purpose to build a better future for ASEAN.

Through our extensive network and suite of capabilities, we are uniquely positioned to offer financial solutions to the people living in, as well as businesses that connect with and operate within the region.

We strive to build a brighter future by doing what is right for our customers, colleagues and community in ASEAN.

Doing Right By You For 90 Years And Beyond

$30 million education support

$30 million education support

Programmes focused on uplifting the lives of 120,000 children and students from less privileged backgrounds.

Rewarding shareholders

Rewarding shareholders

Shareholders will receive a special dividend of 50 cents per ordinary share in 2025 to thank them for their continued support.

20,000 children to receive digital learning tools and skills

20,000 children to receive digital learning tools and skills

UOB My Digital Space Programme bridges the digital gap for children from disadvantaged backgrounds.

90 days of pocket money

90 days of pocket money

11,000 students from low-income families will receive 90 days of pocket money to help them through school.

Visit the UOB Gallery

Visit the UOB Gallery

Titled “Right By You: The UOB Story”, this Gallery commemorates the rich history and milestones of the Bank as it marks nine decades in 2025. Showcasing UOB’s impact on the cultural, commercial and community aspects of Singapore, Southeast Asia and globally, it offers visitors a rare, unique look into how UOB has helped to shape and contribute to society throughout its history – serving both as a tribute to the past and an inspiration for future progress.

Stories from UOB


“Stories from UOB” is a series that spotlights our colleagues, customers and community partners as they share their rich personal stories.


“I started acting in Phua Chu Kang (PCK) when I was 21, at a time where I had nothing to lose. With my parents divorced, home harassed by loan sharks and siblings scattered among relatives, I was running purely on survival instincts. Being broke, every day was a question of, “Should I eat or smoke today?”


My upbringing made me develop this overwhelming fear and insecurity of being looked down on. I was up for any and every opportunity and chased after them like a madman. Doing well wasn’t enough – I needed to be the best. This mindset kicked in the strongest when I was in the army. During parachute training, it was my first time on a plane and I needed to jump out of it. I should have been scared but I had no hesitation. I thought to myself, “What do I have to lose?”


That rather extreme go-getter attitude followed me into my university days and adulthood. Acting was one of the many stints I had. I was also singing in live bands, giving tuition and working a full-time job, all to make a living.


I had never planned for acting to be my main career because I don’t like public scrutiny, but still I played Ah Goon in PCK for 9 years. Because PCK was so popular, there were many interesting experiences beyond just filming. We released songs, performed shows, launched games and won awards… To think that all that happened because a TV director walked up to me one day randomly in a cafe!


Between 26 years ago and now, one thing has remained the same – I always give my 200% in everything, be it starting my own business in my 30s or now leading new projects in UOB. Those hard days are now passed, but I still feel that burning spirit of my youth. It’s no longer to prove myself to the world, but to do right by my wife and son and maintain peace and stability in the family – something I once dreamt of having.” – Ray Kuan, Zone Manager, UOB Singapore